Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time Machine


Scene Start


  1. I made a time machine.
    1. It is made out of something like thin wires.
  2. I go back in time with an old man
    1. He looks like Bart from the Simons.
  3. Something goes wrong though.

Scene Change


  1. Another me is still in the present.
    1. I make copies of myself like in the dream "The Other Me"
  2. I knew that something went wrong because they do not come back at the assign time.
  3. I look over the plans I used.
  4. I found a mistake.
  5. It is the re-animator value is off
    1. Thus causing them not to end up in the same place.
  6. I make another one that will work.

Scene Change


  1. Ariel and her dad come by while I am working on the new one.
  2. She asks if she can go with me.
  3. I say of course but it will be dangerous.
  4. She says that she does not mind.
  5. I fire up the device.
  6. The machine starts spinning.
  7. There is a flash of light and we are gone

Scene Change


  1. In a flash there
  2. Well kind of, it looks like we are in the middle of nowhere.
  3. We start searching for Bart and the other me by looking for anything with the wrong date signature.

Scene Change

  1. We find Bart in a jar.
  2. It is at a weird person's shop.
    1. It is like a street vendor in India
  3. He has been affect by something and is small enough to fit in a jar.

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