Tuesday, January 19, 2010



Scene Start


  1. We are in Mr. Horner's class.
  2. Greg and Paul where sitting next to me.
  3. We are in the front row and in the seats farthest away from the door.


  1. Paul walk to the door where we us to be sitting.
  2. Kyle starts to pick a fight with Paul.
  3. Paul goes on the other site of the desk.
  4. Paul then picks up Greg's book bag.
  5. Paul then starts walking around the room so he will not have to deal with Kyle.
  6. Harrison is sitting in the back row next to Carlyle.
  7. Kyle laugh at what Paul is doing.
  8. Kyle just gave him a weird look.
  9. The whole time Mr. Horner never says a thing or just does not notice.

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